Ready to apply? Click here

Your guide to joining us

We recognise that college can feel like a big step up from the education that you may have previously experienced and we are committed to making that transition as smooth as possible.

Before you join us you will be invited to a number of events that are designed to give you an insight into College life and to outline the benefits of taking your next steps with us.

Step 1
Attend our Open Days to discover more about The Sixth Form College Farnborough
Step 2
Submit your online application (remember to double check the deadline)
Step 3
We will review your application and be in touch to let you know the outcome
Step 4
If you have been successful, you will be invited to attend a series of events designed to help you get to know more about the College
Step 5
GCSE Results day is here!! Input your results online to begin enrolling with us
It’s your first day and the start of your journey with us
“The taster days were a great way to meet new people and get to know the College and how it runs. Lots of support was offered throughout the transition.”


“I liked the fact the College was large and diverse, this gave me confidence that there would be people with similar interests to me which enabled me to easily make friends.”
