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Destination data

Did you know?

Of all of the Farnborough students who attended university, 38.7% achieved a first class honours degree (compared to 31.6% in the state sector and 36.9% in the independent sector)

Students talking to a provider at our Training, Employment and Apprenticeships Fair


of our students choose to progress onto Higher Education or an apprenticeship


of students who went onto University attended Russell Group universities (the UK’s leading 24 universities)


of students were placed in their first choice universities


of applications resulted in an offer from Oxbridge compared to national average of 17%


successful applications for medicine courses


successful applications for veterinary courses

Did you know?

92.9% of students from Farnborough achieved either a first or upper second class honours degree at Russell Group universities compared to 88.4% in the state sector and 92% in the independent sector


Students from Farnborough have gone on to study in some of the most prestigious conservatoires in the UK including Trinity Laban, the Royal Northern College of Music, the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

Arts destinations

Students go on to study at a range of prominent creative destinations including The University of Arts London, Falmouth School of Art, Goldsmiths (University of London) and Kingston University.

Apprenticeship destinations

Each year an increasing number of students choose to continue their studies through an apprenticeship. Recent examples include BMW, Jaguar Land Rover and the Police.